Tender Details

» Kamalabari II Teder Notice invitation

Office of the

No. 14 Kamalabari -IIGram Panchayat

Chotparua, Raiganj

Dist. Uttar Dinajpur


Memo No.:  200 /Tender/3rd SFC/2015-16                                                                                   Date:-09  /12/2015

Notice Inviting Tender

Name of the work:  Supply of Different Materials for  Different works under   3rd S.F.C for the year 2015-16.

Sealed Tenders are hereby invited by the undersigned from the bonafide resourceful suppliers /contractors having experience in relevant field.

Tender form will be issued from this office after depositing Rs. 500.00 for each form for Item/Items mentioned in each N.I.T. Sl. No. from 21 /12/2015 to 22 /12/2015 (except holiday) from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The sealed tenders will be received at the chamber of the undersigned on28/12/2015 from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m..

The participating tenderers or their authorized representative may be present at the time of opening the tender on 28 /12/2015 at 4.00 p.m.

The rate quoted should be considered inclusive all taxes royalties and charges of loading carrying (inclusive carried by car / rickshaw van, head load, unloading, stacking etc. (if necessary) up to the work site.

The rate quoted in the tender papers shall remain for acceptance up to completion of the work. The tenderers must submit earnest money by draft/DCR with the tender form for Item/Items mentioned in each N.I.T. Sl. No. The list of Materials  of  different schemes will be provided with the tender paper as annexure.

The successful tenderer will have to complete the supply within the time mentioned in the supply order, failing which the earnest money is liable to be forfeited.

The acceptance of the tender will vest with the undersigned that is not bound to accept the lowest tenders and reserve the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason.



                                                                            No.14 Kamalabari - IIGram Panchayat


Memo No: . 200  /1(4)/Tender/3rd S.F.C./2015-16.                                                  Date :  09 /12/2015


Copy forwarded for necessary information to:


1.    The S.D.O,  Raiganj, Dist-Uttar Dinajpur.

2.    The E.O, Raiganj Panchayet Samity, Raiganj, Dist-Uttar Dinajpur

3.    R.I.,Kamalabari-II G.P., Raiganj, Dist-Uttar Dinajpur.

4.    Notice Board, No. 14 Kamalabari -IIGram Panchayat.



                                                                                         No. 14 Kamalabari-II Gram Panchayat


Office of the

No. 14 Kamalabari -IIGram Panchayat

Chotparua, Raiganj

Dist. Uttar Dinajpur

__________________________________________________________ ANNEXTURE


         Enclosure to this office N.I.T. bearing memo No. : 200/Tender/3rd S.F.C./2015-16,     Dated- 09 / 12/2015. Material required for different schemes under 3rd S.F.C. Fund.


Sl. No.

Schemes No.

Name of schemes /works

Estimated Amount



Tube well (3 rd SFC)








































N.I.T. Sl. No.

Name of Material

Approx . Amount of Material to be purchased

Aprox. Total Amount

Earnest Money to be deposited



Tube-well Materials










a)    Head set

b)TATA GIpipe

b)    Roll Pipe     ( PVC)

d)Nylon Rope

e) Nylon Net









                                                                                         No. 14 Kamalabari-II Gram Panchayat






Name of the Work                          :  Supply of Different Materials of different works under 3rd S.F.C  For the year 2015-16



Tender Notice No. & date           :  Memo No.  200 /Tender/3rd S.F.C /2015-16,    Dated: 09 / 12/2015


Tender Paper Issued to                                                                 :

(Name of the Individual or Name of the Farm) 

Tender Paper issued for N.I.T Sl. No                       :

Amount of Earnest Money                                          :   Rs. 4000.00( Rupees FOUR thousand)


Date of Issue of this Tender Paper                           :

Cost of Tender Paper                                                     :    Rs. 500.00

Tax Deduction                                                                   : Tax will be deducted as per Govt.Rules

Time allowed for the work from the date

Of ordered issue to commence                                 : 15 (fifteen ) days



                           Signature of the                                                                                                                                                                    Tender Paper Issuing Authority with Seal                                            Full Signature of the Tenderer





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